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How to Improve SEO Content Strategy using Google Trends

How to Improve SEO Content Strategy using Google Trends

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We are witnessing a trend of sorts, everything is shifting digitally, especially business adapting the digital marketplace. It is imperative to understand the digital trends and how to utilize them to build a successful SEO content strategy.

Google Trends is one such tool that provides insights to marketers on how to stay ahead. It helps them adjust their SEO content strategies through the present search data to know their audience, the hot topics, and the digital space.

Additionally, in this article, we will learn how to make use of Google Trends to improve overall SEO content strategy, and generate traction while maintaining an online presence.

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a Google’s own free tool that allows users to investigate global search patterns. Advertisers can track what individuals are searching for, how words vary over time, and the geographic locations offering access to search behaviour and interest, and more essential in shaping an effective SEO strategy.

From the SEO content strategy perspective, Google Trend is a highly convenient feature as it indicates the current trends, and where the user’s interests lie. It helps in creating effective SEO content strategies.

To view Google Trends, enter any keyword, phrase, or topic into Google Analytics and get a fair idea of the corresponding search volumes and interest over time. The results displayed are –

  • The current and topical issues
  • Their geographical differences in search
  • Changes in search volumes over time

This valuable information helps in developing and using appropriate and relevant content for boosting the business online.

Why Google Trends is Important to SEO Content Strategy


#1 Searching for trending topics:

Google Trends is the latest and most useful feature that highlights the very latest, trending, hot topics online.

#2 Know your audience:

Once you know the audience’s wants, you can create relevant and SEO friendly content that definitely establishes your company as an authority in the market.

#3 Inside Content Optimization:

Google Trends can help you understand the seasonal variations in the usage of specific keywords. Knowing this you can plan your content calendar better, and to publish content at the peak of search interest.

#4 Recognizing Regional Preferences:

There are certain search tendencies, which tend to change with locations. Google Trends as a toolcomes handyin spotting such regional differences in people’s search patterns.

If you are considering regional preferences in your marketing strategies, it makes sense to narrow down to certain regions and increase the effectiveness of local content development strategies.

#5 Comparison of Search Keywords and Brands:

While keyword strategies can be effective for driving search traffic, they tend to lose impact over time as search volume fluctuates.

Relying solely on high-volume keyword trends can limit long-term success. However, Google Trends offers a way to integrate keyword strategies with brand equity, providing a more sustainable approach.

By using horizontal integration, brands can track how their competitors adapt to search trends and identify gaps in their content strategies. This allows businesses to adjust their SEO tactics proactively, mitigating the influence of external competition and strengthening their market position.

Improving SEO content strategies by employing Google Trends


#1 Identifying trending topics related to Your Content Ideas

You can use Google Trends to find relevant keywords that are currently popular or are expected to be during the specified timeframe. You can analyze search volume patterns over time to choose keywords that are rising in popularity,incorporating these optimizations into your content. It can be basically used for any purpose and searching for anything.

Steps to identify the relevant Keywords:

  • Visit Google Trends and search for one business-related keyword of your choice.
  • Analyze the search volume trend for that keyword.
  • Consider looking at “Related Queries” for some other or new search terms that may be emerging.
  • Observe the trends of such queries from the long-tail keyword and include that in your writing.

Besides that, Google Trends also gives a perspective on ‘Breakout’ Keywords, which are keywords that have bombed out with several searches in a short period of time. If used in content at the beginning, these breakout terms would boost the website’s SEO greatly.

#2 Using Google Trends to Create Seasonal Content

Consumer interests and behaviors shift throughout the year. Google Trends gives useful statistics on when specific search phrases become popular, allowing companies to capitalize on these trends by providing content at the proper time.

To plan a comprehensive and effective SEO content strategy for your business, you can consider the seasonality of your organization or sector along with the results displayed in Google Trends. These results could be associated with holidays, weather changes, or industry-specific events.

Plans for Content Strategy

  • Search for a term about the area of your practice.
  • Look at the trends graphs and find out at what time there is usually the most traffic.
  • Use the data to formulate the content just before the due peak begins or even during the peak.

For instance, an eCommerce business can use Google Trends to know when the consumers begin to search for end-of-the-year gifts. Accordingly, they can optimize their content, landing pages, and undertake SEO efforts towards those dates aiming to attract the desired audience for conversions.

#3 Google Trends Geo-Targeting for Local SEO Purposes

The geo-targeting concept in Google Trends is equally useful in creating content appealing to a particular audience or market. It offers search dynamics of different areas to helps chain of businesses operated by the same person or similar business within the local markets.

How To Use Geo-targeting:

  • Type in a word or a relevant business field term.
  • Examine the results for “Interest by Subregion” to discern the areas with the highest search interest.
  • Address the content specific to the targeted region’s audience in the targeted area in creating such messages.

Geo-targeting enhances local SEO by giving firms the ability to develop messages aimed at a particular region and its people. The practice of including keywords relating to specific towns or regions and also presenting content relevant to such places is useful in improving local search results.

#4 Optimize SEO Content strategy for Rising Trends

One of the most strategic advantages of using Google Trends is its ability to highlight rising trends before they hit their peak. This enables businesses to develop timely and relevant content, providing you with a competitive advantage in search results. By continuously providing articles about new trends, they may increase organic traffic and establish their website as a reliable resource.

The risk is that everyone else will start doing the same and such approaches can be used out of their context in the wrong ways. The segments that can easily and successfully rise to a peak and organic traffic towards a website for which many perceived SEO strategies would be far too late.

Profiting from the Increasing Trends:

  • Type some industry words in Google Trends.
  • In the Related Queries section, check the “Rising” and find an interesting related term with growing popularity.
  • Add these upon growth terms in your content strategy’s plan to keep your blog, article, or landing page up with what is currently trending.

This approach enables you to improve your position in the search engines and also maintain interesting and up-to-date content.

#5 Analyzing Search Terms to Increase Content Quality

Google Trends has a feature that helps you compare several search terms. Hence, you can choose the appropriate keyword to work on. You may compare and see up to five keywords, see their performance, observe the words displaying upward trends

How to Compare Search Terms:

  • Go to Google Trends and input your focus keywords.
  • Make a graph that compares the searches for each keyword across the time range selected.
  • Pick keywords that exhibit constant or growing popularity and use them in your content strategy.

These features assist comparison of keywords in terms of their popularity so that you do not go for a keyword that is on a downward trend instead you go for the keyword that assures traffic for your site over a long period.

#6 Using Google Trends for the Betterment of the Video Content Strategy

With video content on the rise, YouTube and other media channels have become essential to companies. To enhance their video marketing strategy, marketing experts refer to Google Trends to look for what kind of video content would attract the desired eyeballs.

Steps to incorporate Google Trends through video content optimization:

  • Have a lists of Popular and Useful Topics and Key Phrases related to your domain based on Google Trends results
  • Make video-appropriate content using these findings, ensuring the headings, the text, and the tags are all compliant with current demand trends.
  • Employ the “YouTube Search” filter in using Google Trends to examine specific trends within videos.

Adding Google Trends analytics into your video content plan helps to have videos that relate to current topics, for getting more views and engagement.


Experts recommend the use of Google Trends to beat the odds and competition and ensure the timely delivery of relevant content for leveraging phases of high demand.

Incorporating Google Trends in SEO strategies helps in identifying new and existing topics and keywords along with the seasonal and local pockets of SEO

Armed with the knowledge of search trends and acting upon them will make a difference in your SEO content strategies and the results that come afterward will surely be fruitful in the digital arena in the years to come.

Contact CS Web Solutions for more SEO improvement tips from experienced professionals.