15 Common E-Commerce Web Design Mistakes You Must Avoid in 2024

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Published June, 18 2024

15 Common E-Commerce Web Design Mistakes You Must Avoid in 2024

Today, there are a lot of factors that drive growth for a business. An e-commerce website designed by a professional ecommerce web design agency in Mississauga is one of the most important areas to consider for a sustainable business.

But having a website is not enough. Your business needs a well-designed website that attracts customers and leads to returning visitors. After all, web design accounts for 94% of initial impressions.

Once more, creating an e-commerce website design is no easy task. Online sellers make a lot of blunders every day. Yes, though, all things may be avoided with diligent preparation. The most frequent ecommerce web page design mistakes that companies make when developing an e-commerce website are covered in the section below.

15 Mistakes to Avoid in E-Commerce Web Design

Businesses invest a lot of time, money, and energy in Internet marketing and other forms of advertising to lure people to their online storefronts. To gain an advantage, online businesses are competing with each other for every possible customer.

Blunders by any company offering ecommerce web design services can be costly and inconvenient given the high stakes involved. These are fifteen typical web design errors that online retailers should stay away from.

1) Low quality images

Having visually striking photos is essential for any online store. They aid in efficiently showcasing your merchandise. Customers must be compelled to continue to the checkout by captivating images because they are unable to physically contact the things. Otherwise, blurry or fuzzy photos deter potential clients and project an amateurish vibe.

Shoppers are searching for a detailed representation of the standalone product, therefore try to use a single image. For realistic product depiction during the primary photo shoot, employ quality indoor lighting and minimize post-production and filters.

2) Inconsistent branding

• Ecommerce web page designs that are inconsistent might cause users to get frustrated, confused, and lose trust in the platform. A disconnected user experience, for instance, can result from utilizing various fonts or color schemes on separate pages. Users may find it challenging to navigate a website if navigation menus are placed differently or have distinct designs (such as switching between horizontal and vertical menus).

• Successful ecommerce web design in Mississauga requires developing a unified design language that embodies your business. Provide comprehensive brand guidelines that define your company's visual identity, including how to utilize your logo, color scheme, typography, style of photography, and voice.

3) Poor readability

• Make sure the content is easy to read in order to improve user experience and keep users on your website longer. Poor readability can be caused by a variety of factors, such as extremely complex typefaces, a lack of contrast between the text and background, or an excessively crowded content layout.

• For instance, employing a fancy script font for the main body of the text may appear artistic, but it may make the text harder to read, particularly in longer portions. Select readable fonts, keep the contrast ratio appropriate, and leave enough white space surrounding the text to improve reading. This small change can have a big impact on your content's readability overall, increasing your audience's accessibility and engagement.

4) No contact information

All of your company's contact information ought to be available on an online store so that potential customers may see it and utilize it as needed before making a purchase. Typical contact information includes phone numbers, email addresses, physical locations, and so on; what you include will depend on your business needs and the style of your online store. These design elements can all lead to higher client conversion rates if they are created expertly and have a polished appearance.

5) Complex navigation

A user's experience on a website can be greatly impacted by poorly designed navigation. The inability to find what one is seeking can irritate users and raise their bounce rate. Users may leave a website if, for example, the menu layout is unclear or the navigation labels are unclear. Customers may have trouble finding particular products, which could result in a less-than-ideal buying experience. Conversely, efficient navigation guarantees a smooth experience for users, assisting them in finding the data or goods they need promptly.

6) Bombarding with pop-ups

Users find pop-ups on ecommerce web page designs to be both obnoxious and distracting! Reflect on your own pop-up encounters. While on a website, sporadic messages keep appearing and taking your attention away from the task at hand. The worst thing you can do when someone is attempting to purchase something from your website is to divert their attention and possibly annoy them in the process. Sadly, this frequently ends in a lost sale. Make sure that pop-ups on your website don't take over the page and divert users from their current tasks while implementing them.

7) Too much scroll

These days, several ecommerce web design services incorporate Flash content or scrolling webpages, which makes it difficult for users to identify the design components they need to decide what to buy. When creating an online store with scrolling components, you need to include indications in the design that indicate how many times users should scroll down to find what they're looking for on your e-commerce website.

8) Slow loading

One essential aspect of ecommerce web development is how quickly the website loads. A poor user experience brought on by a slow-loading website may annoy visitors and perhaps drive them away. Enhancing your website's loading speed is essential to preventing this issue. Make use of strategies like photo compression, browser caching, and fewer unnecessary scripts to ensure that consumers can navigate across the site fast and effortlessly.

9) Lack of mobile-friendliness

• Since more and more people browse and shop online on mobile devices, they want websites to be responsive to their needs. When a website is not mobile-friendly, users may abandon it due to poor navigation, slow loading times, or inability to access the information. Use a collapsible or hamburger navigation menu to make navigation easier for mobile users.

• To optimize viewing on mobile devices, make necessary adjustments to the layout, content, and navigation components using responsive design strategies. When creating a website, take into account the way that users hold their phones. To make it easier to use, make sure that all of the crucial items are within thumb reach.

10) No call to action

CTAs are an essential part of any ecommerce web page template design. They motivate visitors to perform particular activities that lead to conversions, such as checking out, adding products to the basket, and subscribing to newsletters. Poorly executed or sparsely used CTAs might lead to lost conversion opportunities. Prioritize the CTAs on each page according to the most crucial actions you want visitors to perform. Use verbs like "shop now," "add to cart," "buy now," or "get started" to convey a sense of urgency or enthusiasm.

11) Poor search functionality

• Users may find it challenging to find the products they're seeking if the search tool is inconsistent or produces unrelated results. Furthermore, when customers cannot easily and quickly find the products they need, they are less likely to make a purchase. On the other hand, a good search function offers chances for related products to be up and cross-sold in addition to assisting customers in finding specific products.

• Professional ecommerce web development gives consumers more sophisticated search choices, like the ability to filter results based on brand, price, size, color, and other pertinent factors. Spell-checking features can be included to identify synonyms and fix errors.

12) Complicated checkout

• Nothing compares to a customer who is about to make a significant buy, only to give up and abandon their basket at the last minute. Frequently, your checkout procedure is to blame. You will lose sales if your checkout procedure is overly drawn out, has a lot of unclear navigation, or has technical issues with the website.

• Reduce the number of steps required to complete the transaction after clicking "Checkout" to streamline the procedure. For added convenience and to help your customers understand what to expect, an e-commerce web design agency in Mississauga may incorporate a progress indicator or some useful numbered steps into your design.

13) Improper text alignment

The most frequent error in text design for e-commerce websites is the use of different line breaks for each paragraph of information without maintaining consistency across different page layouts. The ideal way to arrange content on ecommerce web page design is to have each paragraph begin on the left margin in an easy-to-read arrangement. If customers can read these design aspects more easily rather than focusing on design information that is either too little or too big for them to see correctly, then this design feature can assist increase your online sales.

14) Haphazard color choices

• Selecting the appropriate color scheme for your website is essential to making it both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use. Inadequate color selection can affect reading, accessibility, and general design. When you utilize conflicting tones or low-contrast colors, consumers may find it challenging to navigate or comprehend your content.

• Conversely, a carefully considered color scheme strengthens brand identity and aids in getting your point over to your target. Think about well-known websites like Facebook, which promote a seamless and enjoyable user experience with a clear, harmonized blue and white color scheme.

15) Inadequate security measures

• Security measures are essential for preserving customer confidence and protecting personal data. Inadequate security protocols can lead to severe consequences like as compromised data, dwindling customer confidence, and legal troubles. Installing a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate can aid in safeguarding user information and your website.

• This protects sensitive data, such as login credentials and credit card details, while it's in transit between the user's browser and your website. Select a payment processor that complies with PCI DSS to protect the privacy of your clients. By keeping private information out of the wrong hands, this helps to avoid credit card theft.

The Bottom Line

Having a well-designed website for your business is essential, whether it's to increase sales, create a positive first impression, or attract new customers. A well-designed, user-friendly website draws more visitors and boosts the likelihood that they will become customers. It's also a good idea to spend money on experienced ecommerce web design in Mississauga for well-built websites.


Building an ecommerce website is essential for any business. Here are the common ecommerce web design mistakes companies make and how to avoid them.